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Our Products & Services
NaviPath Diagnostics is driven to discover and deliver diagnostic insights and innovations that help to improve human health. We offer a wide range of products and services that benefit patients, healthcare providers, and life insurance companies and employers.

Diagnostic Testing Services
We are the leading Malaysian provider of diagnostic tests, information and services that patients and doctors need to make better health decisions. Our services range from routine blood tests such as total cholesterol, pap test and white blood cell count to comprehensive, gene-based and molecular tests
We carry out medical tests that help diagnose or identify diseases, measure the progression or recovery of the disease, or verify that the person is free of the disease. We have expert knowledge in cancer, cardiovascular diseases, infectious diseases and neurology

Healthcare IT
Through Navi Laboratories Information System (NaviLIS), we are able handler over more than1 million tests perannual. NaviLIS is encode with innovative technology which are able to analysis the patients history and Artificially intelligent automatically detect the logical of data.
Cooperation Partner
Doc2door physicians use our Doc2door™ app of technology and analytics solutions to order lab tests, receive timely test results, share clinical information quickly and securely, and prescribe drugs. For more information, Please visit our partner doc2door :www.doc2door.co
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